Rossmoor Gets New Street Sweeping Schedule… finally


After years of discussions, debates, and delays, the RCSD, and Supervisor Katrina Foley were able to get the County Board of Supervisors to change the Rossmoor street sweeping ordinance to provide for alternate side sweeping.

The complete story is at the Rossmoor Homeowners site –

The new sweeping schedule is fairly simple:

  • 1st & 3rd Mondays ODD addresses get swept
  • 1st & 3rd Tuesdays EVEN addresses get swept

If either day is a holiday, sweeping will occur on the following Wednesday.


And, just in case you need a financial incentive to do the “right thing” OCSD parking enforcement will ticket vehicles parked in the street between 8:30 and 4:30 on sweeping days. This is nothing new, but at least now you have a place to park in Rossmoor.


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