What’s in this week’s Sun? Sep. 24, 2020


City launches $30K marketing campaign

The City of Seal Beach has engaged Market Snag, a local marketing firm  owned by a past Planning Commission member to conduct their new “Hold Fast” campaign.  “Hold Fast,” a nautical term for enduring a storm, is expected to be a six-month campaign and already has a website, a Facebook and other social media platforms, according to a statement released by the City on September 16.  read more.

Girl Scout Silver Award Winners

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Seal Beach Philharmonic Musical Instrument Scavenger Hunt

The Philharmonic Society of Orange County provides local youth with a music education programs free of charge, and The Seal Beach Philharmonic Committee makes those programs available to students in the Los Alamitos Unified School District, even in this precarious time of COVID-19.  The local committee is starting its newest fundraising drive.   read more

Pandemic Road Trip – Life’s Simple Pleasures

Just days ago, Cynthia Freund was minding her trendy store on Main Street in Seal Beach.  But on this morning, she stood solo high atop a peak in Mount Zion National Park performing her daily yoga routine.  Waking up in Utah was the sporadic result of a week-long adventure for Freund; a trip she did not plan but is now very thankful she took.   more


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