Despite headlines, local virus counts remain low compared to six months ago


Six months ago, in mid January, the Orange County Health Care Agency was reporting over 540 cases of Covid-19 cases requiring Intensive Care Unit beds.   On Tuesday, August 3, the ICU bed count for the county was just 62.

Six months ago, the Covid-caused daily death count in OC numbered in the 50s for many days.  For the last few weeks, the daily death count has been alternating between 0 and 1.

It’s important to keep that in perspective with the latest news from the OC Register which reported that the OC Health Care Agency reported 872 new cases of the coronavirus, Tuesday, Aug. 2, increasing the cumulative total since tracking began in the county to 267,039.

There have been 7,344 new infections reported in the last 14 days.

There were 333 people with confirmed cases of the coronavirus reported in Orange County hospitals, 62 of whom needed to be in an intensive care unit.

The county update said 4,354,177 tests have been given for the coronavirus since testing began locally, with at least 8,201 new tests administered since the previous report.

Rossmoor, as usual, comes out with a very low rate (9.3 per 100,000 which actually translates to 1 case in the last 14 days) while neighboring Los Alamitos checks in at 31 per 100,000 – or 3 cases.  But also as usual, the fact that the two communities share the same zip code means some Rossmoor counts are included in the Los Alamitos numbers.  A more accurate count is derived by combining the two communities.  This is around 20.0 per 100,000 – or around 4 cases.  These numbers would be almost identical to the surrounding communities of Seal Beach and Cypress.

The state vaccination rates show that 54% of OC residents are fully vaccinated.  But this is vaccinations by innoculations only.   As some experts, including Dr. Marty Makary from Johns Hopkins University, have pointed out that neither the state nor the CDC include natural vaccinations (those who have recovered from Covid) in their numbers and calculations, unlike in previous years.   If as experts suggest, about 30% of the population has been exposed to Covid – the real vaccination rate would be closer to 67-70%.


Coronavirus: Orange County reported 872 new cases and no new deaths as of Aug. 3



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