Errant Old Ranch golf balls in the news again

Errant Old Ranch golf balls in the news again

Old Ranch Golf Club has been around since 1967 and has seen more than its share of golfers with a bad slice.  Thus, every few years the issue of errant gold balls makes it way into local newspapers.  Here is the latest installment, courtesy of Susan Goulding and the OC Register.


Seal Beach residents ask: Who’s responsible for car damage caused by flying golf balls?

The Old Ranch Country Club golf course lends a scenic entrance into College Park East, a bedroom community tucked off Lampson Avenue in Seal Beach. But it also provides something less charming – errant golf balls bouncing off cars on the busy thoroughfare.

As we said this is nothing new2. here is an article about an Old Ranch neighborhood golf ball “collector” from the mid-1970s.


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