THE SUN: You Are Safe Here organization joins Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce

The organization You Are Safe Here is among the new members of the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce. New members are introduced at the monthly Chamber Networking breakfast, last held Thursday morning, July 13, in O’Malley’s on Main. Non-members may attend the breakfast for $30. Each new member is given 2 minutes to speak, be it about their business (if they are business members) or about themselves (if they are individual members). Other new members included the businesses Pearle Vision and Optimum Employer Solutions and an individual member. You Are Safe Here is a sister city program, according to founder Rick Foster of Seal Beach. Foster is a member of the… [more]
CIF: New era as Mike West replaces Rob Wigod at CIF-SS helm

New CIF-Southern Section Commissioner Mike West will have big shoes to fill as he replaces Wigod. West tooik advantage of his first “Message from the Commissioner” to introduce himself to the Section sports community,. A native of the Bay Area, West attended Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and became very familiar with SoCal high school athletics during long tenures at Ayala, Chino Hills and Jurupa High Schools. Read his first message here.
ROSSMOOR: Shakespeare by the Sea presents Hamlet on Los Al TV

Los Al TV is the recent Shakespeare By the Sea production of Hamlet, perhaps the most identifiable and the most quoted character in all of Shakespeare’s classics. The two hour plus production was presented recently at Rush Park in Rossmoor to a sunset crowd of over 300. If you missed this annual Summer Shakespeare event for Rossmoor and surrounding communities you can experience the performance as it was captured by producer John Underwood and crew on site, and presented on Los Al TV’s cable Channel 3 nightly (and Los Al TV Online at 6pm, and . It can also be viewed on demand via the OUR Los Al TV streaming app – available or free for Roku, Amazon Prime and Apple TV.
Other new programming on Los Al TV is the most recent Los Al City Council meeting (July 17) and Wednesday night’s Planning Commission meeting.
EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE: Dismissed, not dismissed? Cypress lawsuit draws Council reaction

A decision by the Cypress Elementary School District that local homeowners say devastated their neighborhood years ago is the subject of a lawsuit alleging the city of Cypress has failed citizens by allowing the school district to violate a conditional use permit and has apparently not been dismissed as was reported to the Council.
The suit stems from when the Cypress School District sold its former site so that it could move into a new building they purchased on Corporate Ave. Following the move, they were left with a dilemma of relocating its MOTT headquarters (Maintenance, Operations, Transportation and Technology) so they could sell their existing property near the intersection of Moody and Ball.