Los Al Schools honor numerous HSA, Heroes of the Heart winners for 2019-19.


‘Tis Spring when thoughts turn to those of love — especially some educational love for all the parents and teachers who help make this one of the top school districts in the area.  We take this opportunity to highlight many of them.

Los Al Activities Veep Kiva Spiratos was presented with the Outstanding Administrator Award by the Los Al HS PTSA. As someone said, “She is all Los Al, all the time!”
A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to Maureen Wauters, who is the 2019 Hero of the Heart recipient for Los Alamitos High School. Mrs. Wauters has been an [extremely!] active Los Alamitos parent for over 20 years at Hopkinson, Oak, and now Los Alamitos High School. She gives selflessly of her time and energy to help all students, and was recognized at the School Board meeting on Tuesday, March 12th.
Karen McJunkin was honored with an Honorary Service Award for her years of volunteerism for Oak PTA and LAHS PTSA.
Shannon Franzen was awarded an Honorary Service Award for all the work she does with choir and with the military community.
Jay Hosoda, of Print N Copy, was presented a Very Special Persons Award for the great customer service he gives to choir, PTSA, and other groups on campus. He always goes the extra mile to meet our deadlines.
Mrs. Krystin Braithwaite was presented the Outstanding Teacher by PTSA. She is a great mentor to all of her students and athletes.
Nick Zampino and the Crew at Nick’s Deli II were presented with a Very Special Award for serving the students and staff of Los Alamitos High their famous burritos -getting up very very early to prepare them.


Maureen Wauters was given the Golden Oak Award by Los Alamitos PTA Council for everything she has done in the community and at Hopkinson, Oak, and LAHS for the past 20 years.
Jane Tanaka was presented a Continuing Service Award for all of her work with the Drama Booster Board and program the last four years!
Renee Schwartz was presented with an Honorary Service Award for all of her work over the years with PTA at McGaugh and McAuliffe, PTSA at LAHS, and being a huge supporter of the dance program at LAHS.


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