Hundreds turn out for opening of surf exhibit featuring Seal Beach shaper Rich Harbour

Rich Harbour siufboards
Rich Harbour, who began Harbour Surfboards on Main Street in Seal Beach in 1962, stands in the shaping room in the back of the store in January 2015. The shop celebrates it's 56th year in business this year. ///ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: surfshops Ð 01/30/15 Ð MARK RIGHTMIRE, ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER

Around 250 or so people turned out to check out the work of legendary surfboard shaper Rich Harbour, in a new exhibit at San Clemente Surfing Heritage & Culture Center which opened to the public on June 24.

Harbour, who grew up amongst the legendary surfers who hung out at Seal Beach’s 13th Street beach — right in front of surf guru Blackie August’s house — shaping in 1959 out of his parent’s garage. Within a few years he had taken over Jack Haley’s old surf shop location on Marina Drive and then soon moved to 329 Main Street where it has been located ever since — and beconme the birthpace of over 30,000 surfboards.

See Laylan Connell’s complete story in the OC Register here.



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