Around 250 or so people turned out to check out the work of legendary surfboard shaper Rich Harbour, in a new exhibit at San Clemente Surfing Heritage & Culture Center which opened to the public on June 24.
Harbour, who grew up amongst the legendary surfers who hung out at Seal Beach’s 13th Street beach — right in front of surf guru Blackie August’s house — shaping in 1959 out of his parent’s garage. Within a few years he had taken over Jack Haley’s old surf shop location on Marina Drive and then soon moved to 329 Main Street where it has been located ever since — and beconme the birthpace of over 30,000 surfboards.
See Laylan Connell’s complete story in the OC Register here.
- Surf Exhibit to feature work of legendary Rich Harbour (OC Register, June 23, 2017)